A Stereo Swing projekt a legismertebb magyar electro-swing formáció. A neves jazz zenészek és alkotók a swing és az elektronikus zenét ötvözik a dalaikban. A Fonogram-díjra jelölt formáció zenéjét és koncertjeit a különleges, egyedi hangzás és a fergeteges színpadi show jellemzi. Improvizáció, elektronika, swing és jazz, Nagy Gatsby – hangulat és virtuóz hangszeres játék.
Szerzők: Tamási László – Szűcs Gabi
A zenekar: Szűcs Gabi, Koós-Hutás Áron, Jász András, Nádor Dávid

Stereo Swing is the first hungarian electro-swing band, playing their own songs. In their music they mix the traditional swing melodies with electronic music base, with unique sound. In 2018, the band was nominated for a hungarian music award: Fonogram.
The members are the best young instrumental jazz musicians, the singer, Gabi Szűcs is a well-known jazz vocalist in Hungary. She already won The Fonogram-award, as the best jazz vocalist. They have some hit songs, and had a lot of festival gigs. The debut album “We wanna swing your world” was released in 2016. The band is 5 membered, the music base is coming from the Dj, the other instruments (drum, trompet, saxophone, vocal) is playing live.
Members: Szűcs Gabi, Koós-Hutás Áron, Jász András, Nádor Dávid